Endorsed by the Chicago Department of Public Health and the Chicago Office of Violence Prevention, "Out of the Mouths of Babes", is a thirty-second Domestic Violence Public Service Announcement, written and produced by Craig J. Harris that examines the effects of abusive physical and verbal adult male behavior and its impact on the thoughts and actions of boys who witness it.
"Out of the Mouths of Babes" attempts to address and connect with a male demographic, 18-54, responsible for perpetrating the majority of domestic abuse cases and is a call to action for these men to stop their physical and verbal abuse. The PSA engages men in confronting the choice to abuse while educating and seeks possibly to prevent domestic violence before it occurs.
“We’re asking everyone to please consider, cutting and pasting the PSA’s YouTube link onto their social networking site profiles like Facebook Myspace, and ning, to raise awareness and stop the cycle of abuse”, says Harris. The PSA’s YouTube link is at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hzh-gW-CO8
"Out of the Mouths of Babes" isnt just a vitally important social message, the production of the PSA was also a learning set, which employed at-risk and economically disadvantaged youth interested in careers in the visual media production industry. Collaborating with Free Spirit Media and Chicago Vocational Career Academy Radio & TV Department, Harris and co-producer, Sharon King, created paid positions in every facet of production for the student’s participation, while providing mentoring for the participants who worked alongside experienced industry professionals.
For any additional information regarding the PSA, including its creation and behind-the-scenes, click this link an overview document regarding the spot: http://www.craigharris.com/OOTMOB_craigharrisdotcom.pdf